"Live in such a way that those who know you but don't know God, will come to know God because they know you."

Friday, November 20, 2015


Hi there, well it is snowing in a few places around the country already. Sad to way, here, is  not one of those places.

After living for most of my adult life in Utah and Wyoming, where we get tons of snow every year, it is really hard to get through Winter without pouting and complaining about not getting any here in our part of Washington state. It is cold enough here. Mid 40s during the days and 30s and even 20s at night. 

All we have gotten is lots and lots of rain. The near by river is higher than usual. Creeks are flooding. Frost in the morning sometimes but no snow. Wah-h-h-h-h  :(

Sorry I will try to control myself. Any of you who get more snow than you want can feel free to send some my way. :)

In the mean time, here is a nice Christmas wish I found on Facebook the other day.

Have a wonderful weekend everybody. 

P.S.  I just got some sad news. An older lady who went to dialysis  on the same days as my husband and lived here in the same apartment complex as we do, passed away the other day. Doris was a very sweet lady and was always smiling. Please pray for her family as they get through the first holidays without her. And as they prepare for a " Celebration of Her Life" on Monday. Thank you.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Friday, November 13, 2015


Hi everyone, I'm not sure how this post is going to go. I just had to write something.  This might be a long one.

Many of you know that my mom, hubby and sister have lots of health problems. Well, for the past month and a half while my hubby was in the hospital and in a nursing home for rehab, my sister decided that she didn't like the care facility that she was in or the hospital that she checked into after that, left and ended up back up here. 

The day after she arrived she was in the hospital worse than I have ever seen her. My mom who is in a nursing home, called or asked me on the phone in a very anxious tone if sister was alright. I thought wow, how did she know?

Then it happened again today. My sister who has been in and out of motels since she got here, because she has to get connected up with state agencies, and they haven't found her a place to live will be homeless tomorrow at 11am. She is out of money, I don't have any and there is no room in our one bedroom apartment. I have called and spoken with everyone I could think of as far as state offices and county offices. Also with churches. There is no help to be found.
 Again...how did mom know? 

I really don't know what is going to happen. My sister is very disabled in many ways, mentally, emotionally and physically. Please pray for her. That something good will happen by tomorrow. State agencies don't move fast but God can. Pray for his will to be done for my sister and us.

Thank you for hanging in there and reading this. I know it is long and sad and my punctuation was bad. I'm sorry.

Take care my friends. I hope you are all well and enjoying the fall weather and the pretty fall colors.