"Live in such a way that those who know you but don't know God, will come to know God because they know you."

Wednesday, August 8, 2018


Hi everyone,

I know it is not winter yet. But I sure wish it was. It is soooo hot here. Western Washington is notorious for humidity.  And it is so humid right now that I want to live in a walk-in freezer. lol

Not too much going on here except the heat. lol

I'm trying to get money matters worked out and that takes time. Too much time. 

I want to try to move back to Utah close to friends and Mel's family. And my son lives just over the border in Wyoming.

I have been crocheting like crazy this year. Do any of you knit or crochet? Below are a few of the things I have made.

The first one is a shawl and the other two are blankets. I have more pics than just these. Not sure why I'm not finding them. More next time....maybe. :)
I hope you are all having a great summer. Take care xx


  1. Well... I'm not exactly wishing for winter, but having a nice long autumnal season would be lovely!
    The smoke here in Utah has been awful, due to the wildfires.

    Hang in there, and take things one day at a time. As President Hinckley used to say .."things will work out".

    You've done a beautiful job with your crocheting!
    Our youngest daughter in love, does a ton of crocheting.
    I'll have to have her teach me... *hee hee**.

    Smiles :)

    1. Hi Kerin, thanks for your comment. I don't know why i am not getting an email like i used to whenever someone comments. Sorry I did not reply until now. There is a lot of smoke here too. North of the border in BC there are many fires and we are only about an hour away. Also many fires all over here in Washington. It has finally cleared up a bit.
      Crocheting is actually a lot of fun and relaxing. I love it. I just have to stop having 'yarn attacks' I have more yarn than I know what to do with lol. Gotta run, take care. x :)


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I always enjoy hearing from you. Have a wonderful day. :)