"Live in such a way that those who know you but don't know God, will come to know God because they know you."

Saturday, June 28, 2014


Hello everyone,

Well Mel's kidney dialysis treatments are going well. He is enjoying it.  I know that sounds weird, but he is.  He likes to visit with and observe people so that is what he does if there is nothing to watch on the TV that is available for him. Below is a picture of a dialysis machine kinda like the one he gets connected to.

He gets two tubes attached to the tube catheter that comes from his chest. One tube takes out his "dirty" blood and sends it through the machine which cleans it. Takes out the waste and excess fluids that are not needed. Then the blood gets put back in clean through the other tube. I have been told that not much blood, only around a tablespoon or so is out of him at any given time. So it is not like he is being drained of alot at once.  He gets to sit comfortably in a recliner while he is doing this.  And he can even take a nice nap if he wants to.

I was going to show a picture of what a fistula is. That is the incision that is made in the arm to put a vein and antery together to use as an access for the tubes instead of the chest cath, but all the pics on google were a bit graphic. Mel will get this done later. The fistula takes at least 3 months to heal before it can be used. Mel's doctor wanted him to get started right away.

Instead of a bunch of graphic pics like that I thought rainbows would be nice. I love rainbows.

They are so awesome, aren't they?  Better in person though.  One of God's  "AWESOME WONDERS"  :)

I hope all of you are enjoying your weekend. And that you have great weather too. We are all doing great here. 

Take care. And God bless.


  1. I hope that Mel does well with the treatments and the thing that has to be done to his arm. Blessings to you both, xoxo,Susie

  2. Praying that Mel does well with his treatments,, Always praying for you two,,,,, I left a message in your last post about the flea problem...

    I am hoping I can keep up with the blogs now that all the moving is done here....Lisa

  3. Nice to know that your husband is responding well to dialysis. I figured that he would feel better, once he started.

    Nice rainbow pictures!



Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I always enjoy hearing from you. Have a wonderful day. :)