"Live in such a way that those who know you but don't know God, will come to know God because they know you."

Monday, December 29, 2014


Hi there, just a quick hi. And my only Christmas wish or now post Christmas wish is to have some SNOW.  :) 

Not to sound negative, but I don't think we are going to get any. We had only a dusting for a few minutes last year. Then it was gone. This area of Washington is not known for big snow storms.

I hope all of you are safe and warm and having a great holiday season. :)

Take care my friends...

Oh and GO SEAHAWKS !! :)

Sunday, December 21, 2014


Hi everyone,

Wow! I can't believe I haven't posted since October. Things have been crazy around here. 

Hubby is still in dialysis. His appts have been changed to an earlier time. Which means if he has a bad night and we have to get up early the world is going to see and hear two very cranky people. lol

Sis has been in the hospital for a couple of months. She is fine. They are trying to find her a home to move to and are having a hard time.

Mom is doing ok, kinda. She is getting a little strange like about this time last year. But not as bad.  Her mother past away on the 29th of this month about 14 years ago I think and she is missing her. Also her fathers birthday is the 31st. He has been gone a long time. I will go be with her on those days.  And I am going to see her on Christmas.  Last year I was sick and couldn't go to her.

I have been awake now more than 24 hours. And in just over an hour I will get hubby up and then get ready for church. So glad I don't snore...how embarrassing  that would be. lol Nawwww not going to sleep in church. Didn't a man do that in the New Testament and fall  out the window and die??

I love Sundays and need my weekly dose of the Spirit. :)

I am missing a snowy winter in Utah and Wyoming. We just get big winds and rain here. :( I guess I will survive. 

This is my favorite time of year. Snow and Christmas my two favorite things. I hope all of you have a wonderful Spirit filled Christmas. Remember the Reason for the season. And how blessed we are to have a Heavenly Father that so loves us that He gave His only begotten Son.

Take care my friends....


Sunday, October 12, 2014


Hi everyone,

I can't believe it has been over a month since I've posted. With all that is happening with Mel...dialysis and all, time just goes too fast. About Mel...he has good days and bad. The bad takes us quite often to the ER. Gosh, I hate hospitals! We end up in there for so long. It is a common thing for kidney dialysis patients. Right now he is doing fine. :)

Update on Mom, she is doing ok too. I am thankful for that. My sister is currently in the hospital. But doing ok.  Right now I don't think I could manage dealing with everyone's troubles. The Lord has been good with giving me the strength I need so far though. And timing things so that I don't need to worry.

Now...to get to my reason for  posting My First Try. :)

I got a digital camera a while back.  And hadn't had the time to take very many pictures. The other day I bought a cable to transfer the pictures from camera to my laptop. Well....today I took a few pics hooked things up and...nothing. :( I thought of course.. that is always what happens when I have something fun I want to try. :)

Then I thought well I can do this another way, can't I? I can take the memory card out of the camera and stick it in the slot in the laptop. So I tried that and....woohoo! It worked. So here is my first try at taking pictures with a digital camera, transferring to laptop, and getting them on my blog. Sorry some are a little out of focus.

 This really is our little Princess Downy

This is a wreath I made yesterday 
It is made of burlap.

These two pics are of a nice fall arrangement
Given to me by two ladies from church.

Above are two pictures taken from our balcony. One close up of a maple tree next to the balcony. And the second one of the trees along the road that goes around the apartment building.

I wish I could have taken pictures of the pretty flowers around the place. They are gone now. We will have to wait until spring. Maybe I can take pictures of the bushes they were on and you can tell me if you know what kind they are. Maybe.

Please let me know how you are all doing. Ok?

Ok gotta run. Have a great Sunday and a wonderful week. 

PS...Does anyone know if ALL maple trees have the little whirly bird things? I'm really counting on this. Lol I know, I'm weird.

Thursday, September 11, 2014


Hi everyone,

Well, the Princess has entered a new phase in her life. She is getting very bold. Mommy is not sure what to do about it.

(not Downy but she looked like this)

She loves being outside and thinks that EVERY time we go out we should stay out until SHE is ready to come in.  She thinks this quite strongly at the times when I have things to do and need her to go out, go potty, and come in. After about 2 minutes.
So she has begun to do two things that Mommy is very tired of already.  When we need to go back in I tug softly on her leash and say "let's go."  She digs in her heels and refuses to budge. Actually pulling against me.  :( OR she will come and after a few steps stop and refuse to budge.  She will play this little game every 5 steps about 3 or 4 times. Then I have to tug harder and she will come. Grrrrrr I don't like to do that because it hurts her throat and she will cough and gag for hours. :(
What a little stinker! I guess someone has told her that even though she is only about 8 inches high and 15 inches long. She is older than I am so SHE should be the boss. She sure is lively for a 77 year old. lol
I have never been able to bring myself to scold her much, like for doing a no-no on the carpet or whatever. Coz truthfully alot of the time it isn't her fault. Lots of times I am gone way too long. I know that she hangs in there as long as she can. :)
She is just a cute, sweet and cuddlely (sp?) little critter. :)
(also not Downy but she looked like this)

Fall is coming....it's just around the corner. The leaves are thinking about changing colors. :) Few are actually doing it. I am waiting for the maple trees on the property, especially the one at our balcony to grow the little whirlybird things. Been told that is a Fall thing. I have always loved those. lol
Call me weird....but as soon as their here I will be out on my balcony throwing and dropping them and watching them go 'round n 'round. :)
Gotta run. Take care all.

Friday, September 5, 2014


Hi all,

Is that title gross or what?

The other day Princess Downy and I were out on our morning stroll. She made 3 stops to do what doggie princesses do. Then we headed around the building to take our little plastic bag of 'stuff ' to the trash.

There is a little pond and a patch of grass near the trash container. We got there and I noticed a red plastic cereal bowl. Looking closer I saw that it had milk in it. I guess someone put it out for a stray cat.

Upon closer observation I noticed something else...in the bowl was a slug. Ick! Just laying there...i think he died from drowning or drank too much and couldn't crawl back out of the bowl. And on the side of the bowl was another slug with it's front part bent over the bowl. It looked like it had been holding the bowl so the other could get in without tipping it over. It wasn't moving either. Hmmm.....

Now THAT'S not something you see every day. Or hear about in a blog post. I bet you have never read this in a blog post before. lol

Updates...mom is doing fine. She has been moved to a room that gives her a little more space. I will try to see her tonight. Sis is just sis...always something strange going on with her. Poor dear.  Hubby is doing ok with dialysis..most of the time.  He does get very tired and has trouble with his feet feeling cold when he goes to bed.  And also he has trouble sleeping sometimes but he is hanging in there.

Me...hmm...not sure about me. Just plan ol' tired most of the time but hanging in there too.

I hope all of you have had a great summer and fun Labor Day weekend.  And that you are ready for a wonderful Fall. I love when the leaves change colors and thinking that winter and the holidays are just around the corner. My favorite time of the year. :)

Please leave a comment and let me know how your are doing It really makes my day. :)

Take care.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Hi there,
Just a quick quesiton....does anyone know what happened to the scrappin'blog website? I have gotten some great blog backgrounds from there in the past.
I kept the html codes so that I can use them more than once if I want to. Now the codes don't work. And the blog that I had my favorite background by them on is missing a background. It just disappeared. :(
Help Help!  I want my background back.
Hope everyone is doing great. Have a great Tuesday.
Take care.

Monday, August 18, 2014


Hi everyone,

I hope all of you have been enjoying the summer.  Here the weather has been hotter than usual. In western Washington the weather isn't as extreme as it is in the eastern part of the state.

We have been in the mid to upper 80s this summer. Whew! And with the humidity it is worse. I am glad that we have moved to a better apartment. We have just a northern view and we get the cool breeze. We leave the windows open almost all the time. It's great! :)

 Ok, the reason I titled this post Morning Dew is a funny one. Lately when I have taken Princess Downy outside for our morning stroll she has been walking out into the middle of this big yard licking the dew on the grass as she goes. lol She must have noticed the sparkle and discovered it was water. Seeing her little tongue going in and out, in and out, in and out with each step she takes is so funny. 

I tell her we didn't come out here for a drink, we came to get your other 'needs' taken care of. :) AND don't go out so far mama doesn't want to get her shoes soaked. lol There is also a gross reason why I wish that she wouldn't do that but I will spare you.

Ok, back to the weather. I am getting antsy for Fall. I am excited for the leaves to change colors. I love to feel the crispness of the air and smell Fall on its way. :) I am not sure how much longer I can last without changing my blog background to something Fall-ish...or Autumn-y lol

Also for me when fall is here I start thinking, " the holidays are just around the corner." I know....you're saying now stop, don't get too carried away. Sorry, too late. Already there.  :)

Well, it is late... or early depending on how you look at it. It is 1:35am.  

We are doing ok...kind of and maybe I will talk about that another time. :)

I hope all of you have a great week. Please leave a comment and let me know how you are doing. You are all aways in my thoughts and prayers. Take care.

Friday, July 4, 2014


Hi everyone...

I hope you all have a fun safe and amazing 4th.  We are all so blessed to live in this great country. I pray that we will all remember that and do our part to keep it great.

And may we remember those who have and are protecting our country that it may remain free. 

God Bless America.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Howdy all...

This is a picture of a Ford Taurus.  Its not mine but that is what it looks like.

Saturday night I was out late. And for a dumb reason. I should have just stayed home. But because I am always concerned for the well being of others I went out.

We live near the railroad.  A train went flying by at I'm sure about 125 mph.  Then I heard a crash and huge crash. I decided to investigate. 

Speaking of trains, one is going by right now. lol

Anyway I went to the next crossing to see if it was stopped there..nope. Then to the next one....nope. Hmmm.  So I went back to check the crossing in the other direction near our home. Nope no train there either. How strange.

So I crossed the tracks to go home. I was less than two houses past the tracks when my car decided to act up. It stopped working, power steering and all and I had to strain to get it to the side of the road.

So I was sitting there in the dark after 11pm in the rain with my hazard lights blinking wondering who do I dare disturb at this hour. A few minutes later another train came by.  I am very grateful that my car had the sense to cross the tracks before doing this. I might not be here to tell my story...wow!

I called a friend from church. He said stay in the car and someone will be there in 10 mins. So I stayed in the car.  

A policeman came by and pushed the car off the road more. Then my friend came. We were trying to figure out what to do when another policeman came by and said we couldn't stay where we were. For our safety. So we asked if he knew the number for a towing company. He said he did and called for us. 

The towing guy came and towed us about 3 blocks to our apt.  Cost for this long trip....and he gave us a discount....$108.00 and change. Oh my goodness!  I have never had a car towed before. And don't every want to have to do it again.

Soooo I got a ride to and from church Sunday. And a ride to take Mel to his dialysis appt this morning.  I am now waiting for the car guy to come to look at my car. Fun fun. :)

Anyway...never a dull moment here.

I hope all of you are having more fun than I am. :)

Please let me know how you are doing. I love to hear from you.

Take care

Saturday, June 28, 2014


Hello everyone,

Well Mel's kidney dialysis treatments are going well. He is enjoying it.  I know that sounds weird, but he is.  He likes to visit with and observe people so that is what he does if there is nothing to watch on the TV that is available for him. Below is a picture of a dialysis machine kinda like the one he gets connected to.

He gets two tubes attached to the tube catheter that comes from his chest. One tube takes out his "dirty" blood and sends it through the machine which cleans it. Takes out the waste and excess fluids that are not needed. Then the blood gets put back in clean through the other tube. I have been told that not much blood, only around a tablespoon or so is out of him at any given time. So it is not like he is being drained of alot at once.  He gets to sit comfortably in a recliner while he is doing this.  And he can even take a nice nap if he wants to.

I was going to show a picture of what a fistula is. That is the incision that is made in the arm to put a vein and antery together to use as an access for the tubes instead of the chest cath, but all the pics on google were a bit graphic. Mel will get this done later. The fistula takes at least 3 months to heal before it can be used. Mel's doctor wanted him to get started right away.

Instead of a bunch of graphic pics like that I thought rainbows would be nice. I love rainbows.

They are so awesome, aren't they?  Better in person though.  One of God's  "AWESOME WONDERS"  :)

I hope all of you are enjoying your weekend. And that you have great weather too. We are all doing great here. 

Take care. And God bless.

Monday, June 23, 2014


Yes that's what I said...

I'm sorry but it did make you stop to read didn't it?  :)

Apparently fleas do not care who they hitch  a ride on. And royalty is not immune.

Princess Downy has been attacked.  A couple weeks ago I noticed a dark area at the end of her back  near her tail. I thought she had hurt herself but couldn't imagine how.  Then the other day I took a closer look and saw something like this...

Can you see the little black specks?  I thought what in the world is this. (Oh and the picture is not of Downy). This is called flea dirt or in other words FLEA POOP. How dare fleas poop on our Princess!

I looked closer and a slightly larger black speck was scurrying away. :(  We have not had this kind of problem before. We have lived in places where Downy has had her own yard.  No other dogs around. Where we are now everybody and his brother has a dog.

She doesn't get too close to them and I don't let her sit on the lawn too long,  but I guess it only takes a second. I think that the apartment owners should spray the yard and the halls for fleas. The people who live here are older and mostly on fixed incomes I would imagine. And maybe can't afford to take their dogs to the Vet or go to the store to buy something. Also some may not notice that their pet has a problem.  That could cause a huge problem for everyone.

We, tenants in general, are already paying big rent..plus they charge $35 for storage, $35 for cable, $25 for covered parking space.  The least the management can do is pay to get the yard and halls sprayed. I don't think that is too much to ask.

It seems that they have a rule against disrupting the wildlife...don't worry about the thousands of caterpillars that are dropping on your head they will be gone in a couple of months...and the mosquitoes nawww they'll go away.  Can't wait for spider season.  If we get them like we did last year, I may just explode all over the place if they don't do something about them. And that could get a little messy. lol

I didn't move here where I could open my windows finally and get fresh air just to have to shut them to keep the spiders out. Nope, I may need to jump up and down and cause a scene. :)

Anyway I guess that is all I have to say about that.

Mom is doing ok and so is my hubby. Me well...I'm just doin'. :)

Take care all. 

PS. If you would like to read another fun "Poop" post scroll down to the Millie's Mats post on my right side bar. This blogger is a sweet gal and a riot. :)

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


 Hi there,

Well I did it...I bought a digital camera. Now..the next step is to figure out how to use it. lol Maybe a year from now you will see pictures on here from it. :)

I am hoping to get it figured out way sooner than that. I would like to show you pictures of the place we live at now. It is beautifully landscaped.  Lots of trees and flowers. 

And I will get pics for my posts that I mentioned the titles of a few posts ago. I have not forgotten them. :)

Ok..mom update...she is doing great. Hubby update...he has had his 2nd dialysis treatment and is doing very well. :)  Princess Downy update...she is not doing very well. I have to take her to the vet to find out if she has fleas... yes fleas. That will be fun to deal with...NOT. We have moved to an apartment complex where lots of people have dogs. So  she must have gotten this problem because of her brief moments of sitting on the lawn, I guess. Anyway, we will find out tomorrow. 

Other news...I have been using a very old and slow computer for a long time. A friend of mine in MN has sent me a laptop that we has put together that works great. 

I hope everyone is enjoying the first month of summer weather. We have about the same weather year round here. It is never extreme one way or the other. Only the humidity changes around here. I know that sounds weird but that is how is seems.  

Well, that's all for now. Take care my friends.

Thursday, June 12, 2014



I hope all of you are enjoying nice weather. I like cool weather and that is what we have at the moment. It's 8:30pm, getting dark and the wind is blowing. Sighhh,.....

Can't wait to take pictures of where we live now. Almost like we are in the woods. :)

Well, Mel is doing ok. This morning we went to the hospital to get a tunnel catheter inserted in his chest., so he can begin kidney dialysis treatments tomorrow afternoon.

He was in and out of the operating room faster than I expected. We were there a total of 5 hours. Most of that was pre-op and post-op recovery stuff.  Now we have be careful of the ends of the tubes that are sticking out of his chest. They are capped off. He needs to keep them dry and not sleep in a certain way that would put pressure on them and cause bleeding. That part is going to be fun...NOT.

I was surprised at how the doctor did the procedure. Since we were told that the end of the catheter inside him was suppose to rest on the heart, I thought that she would put it in on the left side above the heart and tunnel it under the skin to the heart. WRONG... She made an incision at the bottom of his neck on the right side. Now that I am thinking about it...how can she do it that way?...it goes in there and comes out just a few inches lower on the same side.

Boy am I confused now. I think I will talk to somebody about it tomorrow. Anyway he is doing ok. He had a nap. And is awake now for a while. Hopefully we will have a good night sleep. And tomorrow will go well.

Thank you your thoughts and prayers.  As always I love to hear from you. It makes my day. :)

Guess that's it.  Have a great friday..ohhh friday the 13th. :)
Take care.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Hi all,

Just a quick post. I wanted to say this sooner like yesterday maybe, but better late than never.

Tomorrow, Thursday morning, my hubby goes to the hospital to get a catheter put in his chest. Then Friday he will start kidney dialysis.  He is diabetic and is retaining lots of fluids.

His legs are very swollen and other things are going on. We have to be there at the hospital at 6am.  AHHHH.  Sometimes I can't even get to sleep til then. lol

The surgery will be about 8am PDT. Many of you will be reading this after the fact. Sorry about that. Could you pray for things to go ok? That during and after he will not have any problems? 

Other than that everything else is ok. Mom is doing very well. Eating better and in good spirits. :)

I think that our prayer before I leave her in the evenings is helping her alot. Not that I am so great at praying...it is that she feels the Spirit comfort her and she can sleep well and not have so much anxiety. :)

Anyway gotta run, have to go to bed early too.

Take care ladies...I sure miss being here and I'm trying to get back into the swing of things.

God bless all.


Thursday, June 5, 2014


Hi there,

Ohhhhh my goodness!!

Well, for the last couple of weeks we have been having fun around here.  The cottonwood trees are send their fuzzies a flyin'. 

In Wyoming when it happened it was just an annoying thing. Now it is worse. :) Apparently I am allergic. So lately I have been sneezing my head off. 

Honestly...you know when they say a tornado is an F5? That's bad. Well I think my sneezes are F7 or something. They just come on with no warning...so fast that I, sometimes don't have time to cover my face. And oh boy does it hurt. :( 

Look at this...that is NOT snow. This is how it looks outside sometimes. When I take Princess Downy outside the grass sometimes looks like a dusting of snow has settled.

Anyway, I guess it can't last forever. I will be fine. 

A few posts ago I mentioned some future post topics...I will try to get to those soon. :) Having trouble getting back into the swing of things. I hope to be here posting every few days like before.

Take care everyone...have a great rest of the week and weekend.

Monday, May 26, 2014



I hope you are all having a nice long weekend.

About mom...prayer does change things.

Last night I was reading my posts back to January and your comments. Your comments made me get misty eyed.  I appreciate your concern for me and mom. And your prayers.

Mom is doing a lot better than she was. Honestly, I thought back then that she would be gone soon. Now she is eating more and her attitude has changed. Also she has gained weight. She is thinking better and I think sleeping more.

I had to limit my time there. You remember I was there every day a few hours for lunch and a few hours for dinner.  And occasionally in the middle of the night when she called scared to be alone. That really left little time for me to sleep or take care of my husband let alone myself.

So now I just go there at dinner for an hour or so. She is ok with this. And we have a prayer before I go and she sleeps. Sometimes I have not been able to go one night maybe two in a row. She does ok then too. 

Her sore is better..not open anymore. But it still hurts her and she is uncomfortable but she deals with it better now. Also, finally, they got the eye doctor to see her and she is getting new glasses. Hopefully this will encourage her to get back to the things she likes...reading and working puzzles. And maybe even watching some TV. :)

On this Memorial Day may we remember our servicemen and women through the decades who gave their all for us.  Those who survived without whom we wouldn't be here. And our family members who have passed. And what we have because of them. :)

Take care my friends. God Bless you all.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Hi there...I can't believe we have finally moved.  We are living in a nice apartment complex for age 55 and older.  I have never considered myself a senior and still don't. I wonder if that means I'm in denial... :)

The place is great.  It sits back away from the street nestled in the trees. Pine trees, birch, aspen. Little birds, frogs and squirrels. Its beautifully landscaped. Bushes of colorful flowers. Pet friendly. Clean inside and out. Unlike our last place...but I won't go there.

The neighbors are great. We have met lots of nice people here. :) There are lots of fun things to do. Watch movies in a little theatre. Play pool, bingo, cards. There is a knitting group that sells their items for money that goes to charity.  And a bible study group. I have join them the past few weeks. :)

A lot of interesting things have happened since we've been here. I have post titles for these little stories. Now here comes the teaser.....Birdies Froggies and A Burping Toilet....Bird Poop and Caterpillars....Topsy Turvy (starring Princess Downy)...Trains...The Treasure Chest....The Hair in the Macaroni and Cheese (Eww gross)...Caterpillar Crossing.

If you are still there and haven't been grossed out by some of those come back for a visit. 

I sure have missed all of you. To those of you who have commented on my few and far between posts...I appreciate you so much. Thank you. I pray for you all each night and for those who you have requested special prayers for. I hope everyone is doing well. :)

Please leave a comment or email me and let me  know how you are doing ok? It will make my day. :)

Take care and God Bless.

Sunday, April 20, 2014


Hi everyone....
Wow...things have been really busy around here lately.  I am still trying to get my moms place cleaned out. Been kinda hard to do because my sister is still living there.  She is having trouble finding a place to live.
Mom is doing ok. She still has trouble swallowing but she is eating or drinking her meals well.  She is loosing weight though and that scares her.  She called me the other day and said ' I think this is it ' I said what? 'I'm going to poof today'  So I called the nurses station to check on her and ran over there.  She said she felt that way coz they weighed her and she had lost more weigh. :(
Anyway...we finally moved out of the yucky place we were in. I have learned that things happen on God's timetable not mine. I will explain that more later. We are happy now with where we live. :)
Thank you ladys for all your prayers and suggestions on how to help mom.  And for our own well being. :) I have missed you all.
I am kinda back. I am writing this from the computer room at the apartment complex that we moved to. So I may be able to be here more often now. YAYYYYYYY !!!
I will also try to stop by and see how you all are doing as soon as I can.
Take care...I hope you have all had a great Easter Sunday. :)

Friday, March 7, 2014


Hi everyone,

I just noticed that the last time I posted was exactly one month ago on Friday February 7th. 

Mom is still hanging in there. Last month there were a couple times when I really thought she was going to "go."  She calls it "going poof"

The other day she called me and said "I feel like I will go poof today."

She is having a hard time. She hurts all over from head to toe.  She has a bad sore on her bottom because she can only lay on her back sitting up a little and that puts pressure on her there. Seems like there is nothing that can be done about it. Everything we try hurts her. :( 

She still has trouble swallowing.  She won't eat unless I am there. So she doesn't have breakfast and I go there for lunch and dinner every day.  There are not enough people there for one to just sit with her while she eats. Eating means drinking really because she just uses a straw for almost everything now. She has only been drinking milk and vanilla shakes. And likes yogert and vanilla ice cream. She can have those sometimes when the slight thickness of them doesn't bother her throat.

She seems to have a better attitude towards things. A slightly better one. :) That is a good thing. I tell her that she should have faith in herself and in God. He is the only one that can give her comfort and peace when I am not there. We say a prayer each evening before I leave. I hope that she can hear it and that she remembers it so it can help her during the night.

Well that is all for now. I hope all of you are well. I pray for you and your families each night. :)

Thank you for your support and prayers.  Please let me know how you are doing.

Take care, be safe and warm and enjoy life. God bless you all.

Friday, February 7, 2014


Hi all,

Just a quick post. Computers are shutting down here at the library.

Mom is getting worse. She can't swallow well...not even water.  She is having trouble remembering things more. And she is wanting me to tell everyone goodbye :( She may not make it to the end of the month.

Need your prayers....sorry no time to say more.

God bless. Thank you for your comments and prayers.

Monday, February 3, 2014


Hi everyone,

Well....I am not sure what to say here. I am so frustrated and tired that I can't see straight.  

For several days now I have been with mom at the nursing home from 8 to 12 hours at a time. :(  She is so upset.  And when I need to leave at night she cries cause she is afraid to be alone.  What do I do?  How do I help her?

I don't know what is wrong in her brain that makes her have the anxiety like this.  I don't understand why she can't just get mad at it all instead. :(  Do any of you know what is going on in the brain or NOT going on in the brain that is causing the anxiety? And her inability to get past it and carry on?

She doesn't want to take meds.  She just barely agreed to anti parkinson's meds a few months ago.  That was a big leap for her.

She is exhausted too I am sure from a bladder problem that makes her have to go to the bathroom every two hours all day and night. So she can not get a good sleep. There isn't anything to be done about that short of  surgery. Plus she hates the nursing home that she is in. :(

I don't know how to help.  And I can't stay there 24/7.  She needs a nurse to be with her all night or something so she won't be afraid. I don't know if that can work where she is. :(

Please pray for us.

I'm sorry this is an unhappy post. Have a great day and week anyway.  Take care.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


My goodness !! Yesterday was crazy. I found out from my hubby at 12:30pm that he had a dr  appt at 3pm.  The Dial- a- Ride bus would pick us up at 1:50.  We had to wait at the Dr's office for an hour til our appt time. Then he was late getting to us...another half hour. :( And we only were with him for 10 minutes. If  I had known that was how they did things I would have just taken him there myself in our car.

Then I spent from 4:30 or so til around 11pm with mom. She is having such a hard time. She is not comfortable. She is scared and having anxiety attacks. :(  She says she doesn't want to die in that place. She is not happy there. I am trying to find a new place for her to go. 

I asked her during the evening if we could say a prayer and she shook her head. She feels that she is not worth it. That she is a bad person. And that God in punishing her for the bad things she's done in her life. I said that isn't so. She is a good person and God doesn't work that way. He loves us all so much. He loves HER so much. 

Later I asked again if we could pray, she said yes. :) I said a prayer. I am not the greatest pray-er in the world but I think it helped and she was calm when I left. I told her after she said that she didn't know how to pray, that she just has to talk to Him. Not even out loud...just say what is in her heart. I hope that this will help her each night to relax and be comfortable.

Thank you for your comments and prayers...they keep me going. :) Please  let me know how you are doing. I like long comments or emails :) See sidebar for email address.

Take care my friends.  Be safe and stay warm. God bless you.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Hi everyone,
As you know mom has been in a nursing home now for about 5 months. It has been hard for her because she has big anxiety attacks.  :(
Tuesday night I visited her for dinner and the evening. When it was time for me to go she got scared. She was laying in her bed, she started to cry and held her arms out to me. Like "don't go, stay, hold me." It was heartbreaking.  So I sat down again at her bedside and held her hand. She said she was afraid of being alone and that she'd never get to hug me again.  :(
As I held her hand I told her. She is NEVER alone. It has been a while since she's been to church. And a while since we have had any kind of religious discussions. So I wasn't sure how she felt about things.

I told her to remember Jesus. That he loves her and that he is there for her. I told her that besides the physical suffering he went through, he also went through a lot of mental and emotional suffering. He felt all of the feelings that we have.  The bad ones as well as the good. He especially felt completely and utterly alone at the end when on the cross he said "My God, my God why hast thou forsaken me?" He was left, in the final seconds of his life, without the presence of the Spirit. When the Father had to withdraw from him. For Christ's atonement to be complete, he had to do it ALONE.

Can you imagine how that felt? He KNOWS how we feel. He knows what it is like to be completely without anyone. It had to be that way so that he would know how to help us when we needed it.

I told mom this and told her to pray. Ask Heavenly Father to give her the strength she needed to get through the night. After a little while more I went home. She didn't call all night.

I went to see her for breakfast the next morning. She was doing great. Then she said this...(I have told this to a few people and every time it has made me cry) she said I prayed all night. So you would be proud of me. (misty eyes) I thought wow!

She said that the anxiety went away and she was calm. :)
She felt the calming influence of the Spirit. WOW! 

It IS real. God and Jesus are real. They know us each by name and loves us so much. If each of us can feel that love deep down in our hearts....sighhh

As this post title says..A SPIRITUAL MOMENT FOR WHO?

For mom yes....but for me too. Feeling HIS love is amazing.

We are never alone.
 Take care my friends.

Monday, January 13, 2014


Hi ladies,
Well, no change on the Mom and Sister situation. So that is a good thing...kinda.  Hubby, however is a different story. For those of you who don't know Mel has been in the hospital since last Wednesday. He has pneumonia and fluid in his lungs.  He has been on anitbiotics all this time.  And the fluid retention in his lungs and legs and everywhere has been a problem. He is having trouble breathing and his legs are so swollen. He is on a diuretic or a water pill to reduce this. This medicine makes him have to "go" every 10 minutes practically. :(  It is difficult for him to move and his back is hurting so bad so you can imagine how awful it is to have to get up to "go" that often. 
He is also having mega headaches. Last time that happened he had a stroke.  Huge headaches normally are not a sign of stroke.  But for him it was.  So I have had them get a CT scan to see if anything is going on in his brain...well anything BAD going on.  Haven't heard anything yet.
Ok on to something fun. I was born and a raised in Seattle, Wa. We are up here in Washington as you may know.  The Seattle Seahawks football team is close to being in the Superbowl so everyone is going nuts up here.  I found this cute little graphic on another blog.


Anyway, that is what is going on here. Thank you for your encouraging comments and prayers. You are all sweet and I miss being here more often. 

Take care, oxox

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Hi all,
Well it was not enough to have sis and mom in the nursing homes....now hubby is in the hospital for a few days.
We spent 4 or more hours in the ER early this morning. He was having chest pains. Looks like a bit of pneumonia in one lung. They also want to try to reduce the swelling in his legs. They are really big. And they are doing all the heart tests just to make sure all is well there.

He is doing fine for now. I gotta get back to hospital. Please pray for us. This is getting a little much for me to deal with. Among other things that I have not mentioned. :(

Thank you...take care everyone

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Hi everyone,
I hope that you all had a very Merry Christmas and a great beginning to a new year. :)
I want to thank those of you who have been able to stop by to say hi. I am sorry that I don't get to be here often. And that I don't get to stop by your blogs as much as I want to. I am still having to go to the library to get online. And they limit the time I can be on. :(
Kim, I hope you and your mom are doing ok. I know that things are stressful for you. I pray for you daily.
Diana, I hope Cjk is doing a lot better. Been praying lots for that little guy. :)
A sweet Kalea, I hope you and your parents are ok and that you get better soon. :) Praying for you all too.
Lisa, I hope all is well. I am praying for you and your hubby. Stay safe. And keep warm.
Update:  Mom has been in a nursing home for a few months. They just moved her to a room where she doesn't have much room to move in. She is not a happy camper. I am trying to figure out what to do to help.
My sister spent a week in the hospital and is now in a nursing home too. It is temporary til we can find a good adult family care home for her to go to. Her Parkinson's and other troubles are getting worse and she is falling alot.  She can't take it anymore. She needs to have 24/7 care.
I will be working this month on getting their apartment cleaned out. This will be a big thing. My sister will have to understand that she will have no place to go to if she doesn't like where she goes. It will be hard for her. Also mom needs to understand it too.
Hubby is having health problems too. And my body can't make up its mind if it wants to have a cold or not.  I was sick through Christmas and thought that I was over it.  Might be getting it again. lol This is nuts! :) Coughing and sneezing so hard that is rattles my brain. lol
Other then that everything is peachy. :) The weather is cold and rainy. We only had one day that we had a couple inches of snow and it was gone a quickly as it came. Below are the kind of winters that I like.

Well, I should go. Take care ladies...please take the time to let me know how you are doing. Hearing from you really does make my day. It makes me happy. :)
Take care (((HUGS)))